Dalbile Youth Initiative Is a Socio-economic initiative to empower Somali youth with skills and resources to unlock their full potentials. The program contributes to three results, stabilization and local Governance, inclusive and sustainable growth, and protection and graduation of the most vulnerable. The program’s primary focus is employment and job creation but goes beyond narrow skills and entrepreneurship training by fostering an enabling environment for positive youth development that improves youth lives. The priority target groups of this project are young people aged 15-25 years, as well as women. This action contributes to objective two of ILED, namely “revitalize and expand the local economy with a focus on livelihood enhancement, job creation, and broad-based inclusive growth, with a particular focus on opportunities for women and youth.” The program further states that “in order to foster stability and sustainable of women and youth, as well as other excluded and less powerful groups.”

iRise Hub executes activities under this project through the national execution modality, in which partnership is developed with the Federal Government, Federal Members state, regional administrations, non-Governmental organization, youth associations and community leaders to ensure smooth implementation of the action, Under the overall coordination of the Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development.

The Purpose of this Tender Notice

The intention of this tender notice is to obtain competitive Bids that will result in the selection of a company to distribute electronic equipments for two youth centres in Banadir region, namely Abdiaziz Youth Center and BRA Youth Center

Successful bidders will be expected to adhere to the approved standards, under supervision of Irise Hub Procurement and logistics Office.

Document Requirements:

The bids must satisfy the following conditions among the minimum criteria for evaluation by being accompanied with the following documentation:

  • Bidders must have previous experience in distribution of electronic equipments in various places and/or to youth centers and can provide evidence and references from clients for previous similar work in the works region – (certified copies of previous similar contracts undertaken)
  • Proof of financial capacity for similar magnitude of tasks undertaken in the last Five years
  • (6-12 months’ certified/stamped copies of bank statements that show deposits within the range of USD 10,000 – 30,000 and demonstrate a sound transaction track record.
  • Certified and Valid Copy of Registration Certificates/Trading Licenses from relevant Government Authority including Banadir Tender Board License.
  • Certified Tax Compliance and clearance from the Ministry of Finance
Other Important Requirements 

Interested bidders are invited to collect a complete set of Supplier Registration Forms/documents by visiting Irise Hub offices in Mogadishu, Opposite Pizza House, or can send a request via email: from 18th July 2021 DEADLINE: 4th Aug 2021, between 08.30am to 4pm

Completed and sealed bids indicating tender reference numbers on the sealed envelopes are to be submitted into tender box placed in iRise Hub office in Mogadishu.

Late bids shall be rejected. Bids containing other external markings that can identify the vendor or addressed to individuals will be automatically disqualified.

Please note that iRise is not bound to accept any or all bids and may decide at its sole discretion to reject any or all bids without offering any explanation.

For More Information, Kindly Contact us at:  +252-612464665 or drop us an email at