iRise Hub kicked off the year with an insightful workshop on job hunting, emphasizing workplace readiness, essential job market skills, and community networking.

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Meet Sabreen Yabarow - AWE Program Director and Executive Assistant to CEO iRisehub

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iRisehub and AWE team recently had the privilege of participating in a transformative two-day Somali Business Registration System Awareness Workshop.

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We had the distinct pleasure of hosting the Swedish Ambassador to Somalia, Ambassador Joachim Waern, who paid a courtesy visit to our hub.

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On November 27th and 28th, iRise Hub hosted the ""Business Sales Pitch"" for the BIC Somali Cohort #1 project.

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We are thrilled to have participated in the recent event organized by the US Embassy in Mogadishu, spotlighting the commendable progress of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurship (AWE) program.

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In our Academy for Women Entrepreneurship, we've been busy diving into the art of creating impactful business plans, fostering innovation, and igniting the flame of aspirations.

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iRise Hub management participated in a week-long Innovation Support Organizations Bootcamp organized by Growth Africa in Nairobi from 20th to 4th November 2023. The program's primary objective was to facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing among ISOs across Africa, enabling them to refine their strategies and vision. The sessions, led by international experts, were both flexible and productive. A vital…

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A moment of pride as we witness Dr. Abdirahman Hassan moderating the Facilitation of Private Sector Investment Dialogue panel at the Somalia Blue Economy Investment Conference on this month.

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Today marked a momentous occasion as we welcomed the distinguished Swedish Ambassador to Somalia, Ambassador Joachim Waern, to our hub. In a cordial and insightful exchange, we delved into various subjects, exploring potential partnerships in the realms of e-commerce, FinTech, technology, education, and health.

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